Clinical Diagnostics And Drug Development

PMP™ technology – Bridging the gap between clinical research and clinical practice by translating knowledge into actionable information.

Microbiome Analysis Services for Pharma and Drug Developers

Bio-Me’s Precision Microbiome Profiling (PMP™) technology, based on qPCR, is perfectly positioned to support drug developers in their development pipeline and successful market introduction, as well as clinical researchers and pharma in diagnostic test development.


If you are a drug developer, you can use our PMP™ to perform:

– quality control of production runs of live biotherapeutic products (LBPs)

– stratify patient populations in clinical trials

– monitor LBP engraftment


If you are working on the development of diagnostic tests for disease detection, disease recurrence or response to a specific drug, PMP™ can be used to accurately profile patients participating in clinical trials.


In addition, the combination of PMP™ technology with our access to the HUNT4 biobank can greatly help you in biomarker discovery and validation.


Bio-Me has extensive experience in optimizing targeted microbiome solutions through collaborations with several academic and commercial entities.

Our Advantages

High throughput – Hundreds of samples analyzed simultaneously

Highly reproducible

Short turnaround time – Results ready in 1 - 3 days from sample arrival

Absolute quantification – The output is number of genomes per ng of DNA into the analysis

Ready-to-use results – No bioinformatics steps needed from your side for data processing

Contact Us

Contact us for a free discussion about your microbiome research project or with any general questions. We are always happy to help.

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